
Onboarding is the first touchpoint a user has with Sequeer, setting the tone for their journey within the app. Recognizing the pivotal role it plays, I led the redesign of this experience, from researching and identifying problems to designing and handing off for implementation. The new onboarding process provides an intuitive experience that guides users through the app's features and functionality.


UX Designer


Aug 2021 - Nov 2021


Product Manager, Engineers, 3 other Designers


Sequeer is a B2C mobile app serving as a global search engine for the LGBTQ community. It provides a safe, inclusive space for connection, discovery, and engagement with LGBTQ-friendly resources, events, and services.


Sequeer's onboarding process was confusing due to a lack of clear guidance, visual cues, and limited interactivity. Additionally, the app relied solely on phone number signup, lacking a traditional login feature. These issues made it difficult for users to understand the app and impacted its ability to onboard and retain users effectively.

Final Solution

The new designs introduce a traditional login feature with a twist, offering flexible login opportunities. The revamped onboarding process is more intuitive and user-friendly, incorporating trackers and buttons for a smoother experience.


We conducted a comprehensive analysis to identify areas requiring improvement. Our evaluation revealed several key issues:

System Status Visibility: Lack of status indicators could lead to user confusion regarding their progress through the onboarding flow.

User Control and Freedom: Certain steps could not be skipped and the appearance of 'next' buttons was delayed, which could impact users' ability to navigate the onboarding flow smoothly.

Consistency and Standards:: The inconsistencies in the design of call-to-action (CTA) buttons included differences in size, color, and placement, which could potentially confuse users and detract from the overall experience.

Help and Documentation: Instructions provided during onboarding were unclear, and the images shown were confusing due to a lack of explanations and previews of the app's features.


Our goal was to redesign the onboarding splash screens, signup, and login processes to create a more user-friendly and efficient onboarding process that encourages users to explore and engage with the Sequeer app.

Simplify Onboarding: Streamline the onboarding process to make it easy for new users to sign up and get started with the app quickly.

Offer Flexibility in Signup/Login: Provide multiple options for users to sign up or log in, such as using email, social media accounts, or phone numbers, to cater to different preferences.

Maintain Consistent Design: Keep the design and layout of the onboarding screens and signup/login pages consistent with the rest of the app for a seamless user experience.

Engage Users Early: Introduce key features and benefits of the app during onboarding to engage users and encourage them to explore further.

Sketches and low-fidelity

Challenge 1: Onboarding Screens

How can we create an onboarding experience that is both user-friendly and adaptable to user preferences? My solution: introduce key features of the app during onboarding and incorporate progress trackers, next buttons, and skip options, providing users with a seamless and customizable experience.

Challenge 2: Signup and Login

How can we create a signup and login process that is personalized, secure, and seamless? My solution: implement a flexible signup and login system with various avenues for users to seamlessly continue to the app according to their login preferences.


Influenced product roadmap: The redesigned onboarding process is expected to influence the future direction of Sequeer, enhancing user control and security during app navigation and usage.

Pivot direction based on research: Our research gave us confidence to propose to Sequeer a pivot from phone number signup to a more user-centric and flexible signup and login experience, providing greater choice and adaptability for users.

Saved onboarding time: Rudimentary user testing indicates that our redesigned onboarding process can help users save time when setting up their Sequeer accounts and exploring the app's features.

Future Recommendation

Leading this redesign was incredibly rewarding. By prioritizing user needs and applying my UX expertise, I enhanced the onboarding process and improved the signup/login experience. This project demonstrated my ability to drive meaningful change through design, positively impacting user engagement. Given more time, I would have further refined the onboarding flow to ensure an even smoother user journey.

1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Implementing 2FA would bolster account security, adding an extra layer of protection during login. This feature would enhance the overall security of user accounts, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.

2. More User Feedback and Iteration

Continuously gathering user feedback and insights from user testing would drive iterative improvements, ensuring that the user experience remains optimized and aligns with user expectations.