
Streamlining risk management with a customized, data-driven tool that identifies and addresses high-risk areas based on industry and company specifics.


Lead UX Designer

Project Context

August 2023 - November 2023

Team: Engineers, Project Manager, QA


Figma, Figjam


The challenge was to simplify complex and costly risk control strategies for organizations through PATH, addressing gaps in existing risk management programs. The platform needed to consolidate external-facing sales presentations with internal tools for producers, streamlining both aspects into a cohesive solution.

The existing concept design that the stakeholders provided had several critical issues.


I enhanced the platform's usability by streamlining navigation and making it easier for users to find relevant information efficiently.

Research and Insight

Stakeholder interviews provided crucial insights that helped align the redesign with both business objectives and user needs, leading to a clear summary of key goals.

01. Customization and Personalization

The platform needs customization based on industry and company size.

02. Coverage Segmentation

Five distinct lines of coverage are essential for tailored solutions.

03. Solution Matrix

The solution matrix is a central, high-value feature of the platform.

Initial Wireframes

Following a stakeholder session, I quickly created a preliminary wireframe to initiate discussions. This rough draft effectively communicated my ideas and highlighted potential advantages and drawbacks. In a subsequent workshop, stakeholders confirmed that the vendor preview was unnecessary and expressed a preference for a more prominent solution matrix. They appreciated the comprehensive list of loss drivers, as it allowed them to easily compare all solutions at once.

Solution Matrix Iteration

After receiving feedback from stakeholders, I further iterated on the wireframes. In a subsequent workshop, we collectively chose the design to move forward with.

Improving Data Navigation

The initial design relied solely on dropdowns for data selection, which was confusing and lacked a clear hierarchy. To address these limitations, I implemented a dual approach: a top-level filter using dropdowns and the introduction of navigation tabs.

Reducing Cognitive Overload

I separated the ‘Loss Impact’ and ‘Solution Matrix’ sections into distinct pages. Dedicated buttons now allow users to easily switch between these sections. This decision was based on stakeholder feedback, recognizing that for many users, the ‘Loss Impact’ graph serves primarily as an introductory visual, while the ‘Solution Matrix’ is the primary focus. Additionally, expanding the ‘Solution Matrix’ table required more real estate, making it more suitable for a dedicated page. This reorganization not only improved platform performance by reducing the amount of content loaded at once but also enhanced future scalability, ensuring the 'Solution Matrix' can effectively accommodate growth in complexity.


Below are detailed development notes to ensure the thorough execution of designs according to specifications. These notes provide clear explanations for implementing interactive elements, ensuring accurate execution of the design.


The USI PATH platform has demonstrated strong user engagement and adoption since its launch.

1. Positive Adoption Rates: The producer adoption rate average amongst regions is 33.61%, demonstrating strong user acceptance and utilization.

2. Increased User Engagement: The platform has seen a steady increase in active users, with a 31.77% increase in total sessions and a 69.27% increase in unique users.